Unexpected Healing


I am a little hesitant to write this blog because nothing like this has ever happened to me before. I am still trying to process it myself. But in Psalm 40:5 it says, “You have multiplied, O LORD my God, your wondrous deeds and your thoughts toward us; none can compare with you! I will proclaim and tell of them…”

I have been in Dallas for almost one week now. Arrived on Mon, and started work on Wed. Because of Orientation this week at the hospital, I have had some added time to spend with the Lord. I have spent this time at two different houses of prayer here in the Dallas area.

This week the Lord has been speaking to me about Life and Healing. On Tue he brought a picture to me. A side picture of a person’s face blowing air from his lips. I titled it “The Breath of God” because when God breathed, Life began. On Thur. it was also about Life and Healing. John 10:10 states, “… I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” He brought to mind the Woman in Matt 9:20-22 who by faith sought Jesus out, knowing he could heal her of her affliction. Took a step of faith, reached out and grabbed the hem of his robe and was immediately healed.

Today, I went and was anticipating spending a few hours at Storehouse during their Sat morning prayer/worship time. Going on a Sat to pray/worship was not out of the ordinary for me; as over the past few years at my own church in North Little Rock, AR – New Life Church – has had a time of prayer every Sat Morning.

I did do this; however, God also had a little surprise there for me as well. After being there for about 30 min or so, I met 3 women who were a part of the prayer room. After speaking with them for a few minutes one of the women began to ask if I had shoulder or back pain. Did I have an old back injury? I said yes, a few years ago I found out that I had an old compression fracture in the middle of my back. And at times would have numbness and pain down my left arm from sitting in certain positions. Then she said, “God wants to heal your back” and asked if she could pray for me. I agreed.

It was a short prayer with the 3 women laying hands on my back and the woman praying for healing and making of my back straight. I had forgotten to mention that I also had some scoliosis and my left arm/shoulder was slightly shorter than the other side.

During the prayer, my left side felt different. I can’t explain it, but knowing my body, knew that something was different. They finished praying, I thanked them, and returned to spending time in prayer/worship for about another hour.

When I returned to my apt, I put on a long sleeve shirt to measure my arms. And wouldn’t you know, They Were The Same…I looked in the mirror at my shoulders, and they are level.

God in his Love and Mercy chose to heal my back. I am still totally blown away by the Love of God for me and my well being. Thus, I write this post according to 1st Chronicles 16:24 “Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all the peoples!”

3 thoughts on “Unexpected Healing

  1. Please pray the Lord miraculously heals me. I’ve been battling an illness for 2 months and I have been reading the story of the woman who touched Jesus’s robe. I’m ready to be set free!

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